Re: 73-87 C10 Complete Swap to 67-72 C10
First of all, don't take this the wrong way, but this topic has been beaten to death, so expect the usual "do a search" answers for much of this swap. In all fairness, this swap has been done quite a few times, has been outlined in several threads, and there is not much more to it than swapping in another 68 clip. If you unbolt the whole suspension from your 68, you can literally roll the newer one in and bolt it in. However, there are two bolt holes that (may)need to be slightly egged with a file, and 2 bolt holes that need to be drilled. All other bolt holes line up just fine.
You can also put the later arms on your current clip and then all the steering components from the later truck will obviously go right on from there. When i did it, i used the best mix of free parts i had and it all went together just fine after i drilled and egged the holes i mentioned.
In all honesty, i would just replace the whole clip as is, and keep in mind that you need to use all of the later steering parts and center link. Someone else will have to chime in and let you know if the steering box will bolt right on a 68; i think it does. It's easy enough to just put it up to the spot and the question will be answered pretty quickly.
As far at the v8 is concerned, some people swap later motor mount brackets in but i am using original 69 v8 brackets and mounts for my swap. If you search on that topic you will find a few options. Also, if i recall correctly, you can adapt the later power brake booster to your firewall with a few cuts and drilled holes, but once again, give it a search and see what you find. I may be mistaken and you may need the correct year bracket.
As far as 5-lug in the rear, you can find another rear to bolt in or just buy axles. pretty straight forward there.
Having said all that, a thread with really good pictures and detailed steps would be a nice resource, so if you are thinking of doing that, i say go for it!
Good luck!