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Old 10-17-2011, 06:51 PM   #8
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Location: Fayetteville NC
Posts: 752
Re: Order of Operations

oh...well in that case....

1. do anything you're gonna do to the chassis (dropmember, ect) then paint (if you want the pieces as they came to you take them off, then paint, remount when dry)

2. suspension/brakes components

3. engine & exhaust, trans, driveshaft, rear-end (test engine at this point)

4. rust repair of cab while off frame (gonna need to brace it since it's off the frame) and any other bodywork needed

5. mount cab, and all the other sheet metal (especially replacement panels) to see how they fit

6. tear it all apart again and paint the sheet metal off the truck

7. put it all back together (CAREFULLY)

8. electrical re-wire

9. bed wood

10. windows down, arm out, rolling like a bad motha around town

that's what I'd do if I did a frame off
1966 C10 Long step build on a budget

no garage, no shop, limited storage space and problem.
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