VTKidder has a very good handle on the situation here (not to downplay anyone else's responce)
The first thing i would do is gas up with some 89 octain. This will likely solve your problem. If id does not, and your timing isn't advanced very much, then I would spray some water into the carb.
Yeah, you read right. Set the idle at about 1200 - 1500 RPM (with the engine already at normal temp and air filter removed) and then take a spray bottle and set it to stream. Speay the water directly into the carb's primarys. Don't spray it onto the walls, but rather aim it at the opening of the throttle blades. This stream of cold water will help break up deposits of carbon on the combustion chaimber.
As long as you are not dumping the water in there, it will do no harm to your engine. Old timers in California are familiar with this trick, it used to be a good way to get a car that just failed the smog test to pass on the second time.
Don't be allarmed when you see steam coming out your pipes, and if you are lucky, you may see chunks of carbon fly out too.
When you are done. reduce the idle back to your previous speed, and then shut it off. Go for a test drive and haull ass back home and kill it as soon as you put it in park. See it it worked.