Thread: Torchered
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Old 10-18-2011, 08:44 PM   #106
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Re: Torchered

Thanks fellas
Things are running slow now. The project seems to be bogged down waiting for parts.
There are a couple new items. Under the bed a tray has been constructed to house the two air tanks, pumps and batteries.
KinDigIt handles where installed. Both the stock handles and these had pluses and minuses. I couldnt decide so I flipped a coin. Seriously, the shop owner doesnt believe me but really either way I would have been happy.
Next item on the chopping block is the dash and inner fenders. The dash will be a modified glove box door.

NOTE: The wheels have been canceled, the manufacturer made the wrong wheels then reniged on producing my order in an attempt to force my hand in purchasing there mistake. That didnt fly.
69 C10 "Torchered"

RC Crawler Nut
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