Thread: My 55 Re-Do
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Old 10-21-2011, 01:05 AM   #39
Dan in Pasadena
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Re: My 55 Re-Do

Originally Posted by dcmalone View Post
.... Does anyone know if they balloon out alot on a 6". I was planning on running that size on a 8" but think it might look odd if I had a 6" in the front and 8" in the rear with the same size tire. I like the DB wide whites with the 3 - 3 1/2" whitewall. Question for the masses: Do I go wider in the back and get a 225 (or smaller) for the front or should I get a set of 6" for the rear and use the same tire all the way around. And if it's the same what size tire, 235 or 225???? Would love to hear what other are using on a 15x6 if anyone is running that. Wanting to stick with the radials as this will be a daily driver one day. Thanks.
At the risk of telling you stuff you already know, do you realize that the "225" or "235" is the width of the tread in millileters? An inch is approximately 25.2mm so divide 225 for example by 25.2 and you get 8.9 inches of tread width. On a 6" wide rim thats 2.9" divided by 2, or about 1.5 inches per side of "balloon" as you put it. To me, that's too much "pull in" of the side walls. I'd use a 7" or an 8" rim for that size tire.
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