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Old 10-22-2011, 10:46 PM   #17
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Mountain View, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 415
Re: 73 4x4 will not move?

Thanks all. I don't feel so bad now. I am going to get my front drive shaft bolted in so next time I fire the truck up I can feel it out a bit more - specifically the clutch.

I never even noticed the shift light stuff underneath or a light on/in the dash and have not yet looked closely at the transfer case linkage. I think I will pull out the bolt in trany hump floor cover and have a little look while shifting things. I know there is a ton of built up grease and mud in the area still and if I could have got it moving I might have moved it out and got the high pressure wash going but that will have to wait till spring now.

Anyway it is back in its winter hole in the shop and it likely won't get out for a while. I have almost everything to finish it now including new interior panels, aluminum dash, new dash pad, new seat and floor covers and the list goes on so this winter will go a long way to kicking that bad boy out come spring.

I have some etch primer and am going to experiment with shooting epoxy primer this winter on the body pieces I welded in over the last little while. High hopes for spring on that project!!!

Again thanks and I am, as always, learning lots from this forum.

56hotrodred (Barry)
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