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Old 10-23-2011, 02:58 AM   #5
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Re: Little known engine building tips?

A little tip that was already mentioned . Smaller intake port volume and carb intake combo helps when filling a cylinder in a heavy vehicle. Bigger stuff can make power on a dyno, but accelerating a truck is a differant story. There are alot of "tricks" , honing is a big one. There is alot of power in ring packages and hone finishes when turning an engine 10,000 rpms LOL Ring seal is a big deal at high rpms, ummmm heres another the light weight valve train theory goes out the window, with crazy spring pressures people are using 9/16 pushrods ,no lightened rocker arms , way bigger cam cores,etc. Its about stability. Synthetic oils help, people are using smaller bearing surfaces [Honda journals] to get rid of friction. Trying stuff at the race track is the best test for carburetors. Hope this helps.
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