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Old 08-20-2003, 04:01 PM   #11
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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If the modulator was not getting vacuum it would never shift out of first
This is incorrect. It will shift, but not untill you hit 5500 or so RPM. The tranny has a govenor that forces a shift regardless if the vac line is on, or even if you have the shifter in first gear, you spin it high enough, it WILL shift. (asuming the govenor is in proper working order)

bouncytruck, try this. Drive down the street up to where you think it should be going into 3rd, then go about 5 or 10 MPH faster. Then take the shifter, and place it into 2nd, and told it there for a couple seconds. While maintianing the same speed, shift it into 3rd. It shopuld grab 3rd, and stay there untill you slow down. My vac line came off on my mod last winter and I discovered this trick. I drove it for a week untill all the slish was off the road before crawling underneath.

You have it plumbed properly, but improperly. (confused?)
The tranny mod DOES need full vac to shift early, but the brake booster is taking all the vacume.
Try moving the tranny line to another port on the intake, or if none are avalible, put it on one of the lowest ports on the carb. (below the throttle plate) It should shift fine after that.
If no ports are open for this hose, you can place it on an upper port, but shifting will occur at a higher RPM. You can compinsate for this my adjusting the modulater screw to shift earlier.
LEt us know what happens.
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