Thread: Bbw vs sbw
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Old 10-24-2011, 11:35 PM   #31
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Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Posts: 39
Re: Bbw vs sbw

I am of the same opinion as some of the others around here. I like both the small back window and the big back window. However, I like the small back window truck with the stepside beds better and I prefer to see the fleetside trucks with the big back window. This is just my opinion though!!!!

However, this debate proves law of supply and demand theory. Since BBW are more rare and highly sought after...then they command a higher price. And the SBW are more plentiful and readily available then they are cheaper and easier to find. The BBW conversion you can do to your truck if you so choose to do so is a great alternative because you can find a SBW and make it a BBW for not a lot of money.

Finally, my first vehicle ever 25 yrs ago was a short stepside SBW 230 6 cylinder 3 on the tree..and on Friday I am going to pick up my BBW short fleetside. My dream was to always have the BBW short fleetside and now I have what I want. Yay!!! I love em all!!!! LOL
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