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Old 10-25-2011, 01:42 PM   #4
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Posts: 129
Re: 1984 C10 Stepside!

Thanks, Like the idea about the airbrushing! and lanconcj, the bed is easy to do, only if you have the right tools or a friend, there are 100 bolts you have to get to be able to get all the strips and wood off, after staining and reassembling, its alot easier because tightening is always easier than taking them off as they tend to spin from the top which makes it really difficult to get them off, id reccomend you use and impact wrench, or an air ratchet, as those make it MUCH easier, if you cant do that, youll have to do it like i did, grab a friend and get him to hold to heads of the bolts with some vise grips, takes some time, but once its done its worth it.
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