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Old 10-27-2011, 12:06 AM   #6
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Posts: 311
Re: My truck vs the cooler outside temps

Throttle bodies on hondas are different than carburetors on your chevy. The throttle body is electronic and compensates for different amounts of air coming in and different humiditis, atmospheric pressures, engine temperature, etc etc. That carburetor can definately hurt the performance of your engine at lower rpm assuming it is a small block. Is the choke and fast idle working properly on this carburetor? Also if you want to increase the stroke of the accelerator pump you should move the pushrod to the top hole. If trouble is starting as air temperature gets lower and oxygen gets denser then I would look at the carburetor as the culprite

Last edited by csb#356; 10-27-2011 at 12:13 AM.
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