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Old 08-20-2003, 11:54 PM   #15
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Location: Santa Fe, Texas
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Well it depends alot on the county and what they bid out for. Victoria only gas rigs I think. Of course they also run gas powered generators to power the box since they have A/C units that similar to whats in your house. Doing my clinicals in Calhoun the only rig I was on there was gas also. Both counties run Chevys. They seem to have no problems with them as far as I can tell. We just finished our EMT-B and we take our NREMT-B written test in early Sept. We have already completed our skills assesments and passed. We are starting the intermediate class in the fall, and the Paramedic class in the spring and summer. After the summer session I will be a Licensed Paramedic, thanks to a previous degree in computer science and taking my anatomy classes online. My wife will have to catch up on those basic classes that are common to all degrees, chem, english, etc. As far as doing it as a business we would probably purchase new rigs or used ones that are up to current standards. I was just kinda dreaming a little what a classic truck with a new style box would look like

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