Thread: tune up parts
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Old 08-21-2003, 12:21 AM   #7
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: lets see then

Originally posted by howlin50
whats the diff in how a 68 and a 70 front end look except the rake on the hood ffront longhorn? not a test, but I figure you'll know.
I'll asume you are talking GMC?
The main differance is the trim around the actual grill...

Here is a can see the trim on the top that is there, and the "eyebrow" trim is actually missing on the passenger side. (if you try, you can see it on the drivers side)

And this one is a 67, which is the exact same as a 68, except the 67 says GMC in the grill instead of on the hood.
*interesting fact, the grill its self is the exact same from 68 - 70 on GMC trucks, and with the exception of the lettering, it is the same for 67 also*
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