Originally Posted by mcbassin
Thanks sorry for mucking up your thread.
What is your plan for exhaust? Are you doing your own? That will be next on my project after this eff wiring. I can't tell you how much it has frustrated me. 
Your not mucking up my thread, the way I look at it, we are figuring out problems that will help other people along the way, I can't tell you how many times I have done a search and found an answer to a problem I was working on in a thread. So muck away!! lol
I have always intended to have my exhaust done by someone who knows what the heck they're doin', but after seeing the jobs everyone else have been doing I am reconsidering. I have the mufflers bought sooooo...just a little tubing...
Originally Posted by gringoloco
The coolant temperature is used by the ECM- it must be kept. You will have a VERY poor running engine without it...
Thanks for the heads up gringo!