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Old 10-29-2011, 07:39 PM   #1
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1991 Metric Instrument Cluster USMC

My 1991 4x4 1 ton crew cab instrument cluster gages and speedo are all metric. The truck is a (former) Marine truck. Once a Marine always a Marine!!Not exactly sure what it was used for. I know this because of the USMC inventory sticker on the dash and the data sticker on the core support. Also the truck had a 6.2 with a manual trans. The trans and transfer case were gone before I got it.
Ive got some questions

1- Can I replace the gages etc with U.S. Gages from another dash?
2- I dont see a speedo cable, Is this possibly electronic?
3- If so, would this help if I were to go with a Duramax/Allison trans combo?
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