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Old 08-21-2003, 04:16 PM   #9
Fred T
Cantankerous Geezer
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Bel Aire, KS
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The ATF trick does work.

Here's what's recommended for engine storage.

Fresh oil and filter. Fresh antifreeze. Fill gas tank with your usual grade of gas, add stabilizer when you fill it. Driving it home will get it into the carb. Remove spark plugs, shoot a teaspoon engine oil into each cylinder, turn engine over a few times, then install plugs finger tight. (THis can be accomplished with the ATF). Remove the battery, and place it where it won't freeze, but not in contact with a concrete floor. Charge the battery monthly.

For the vehicle.

A cocoon is nice, but not always affordable. At the least, jack and block so the tires aren't on the ground. Put some moth balls in margerine tubs in the cab, along with some rat poison to keep out the critters. Tarp the cab if you can.

There is no such thing as too much cam...just not enough engine.
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