Thread: Hows Mooneyes?
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Old 11-01-2011, 12:11 AM   #1
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Re: Hows Mooneyes?

Yup, that sounds about right for Chico Kodama, the owner. Dean Moon never would have taken this long to get any order out, even if it were a Potvin cam he didn't have already in stock. His cam grinding facility was in one of the garages behind the store.

I haven't heard much good about Chico and his Moon Equipment. Just long waits for mediocre products, and for the same exact parts that cost less from other vendors.

I'm glad I don't live just up Norwalk Blvd., from the place any more, it'd make me sick to drive past the place and remember now good it used to be there, but just ain't any longer.
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