Re: Differential Gear Set Installation
If you can read and understand what .001" is, it can be a fun project. If not, it will be a $$$$ nightmare!
The number on the pinion can be off by .003" or as bad as the guy who wrote it. Use the original shim as a starter, if it fits. Be sterile and very demanding with perfection.
If you are going to order it online, try randys ring and pinion. They seem to be a sponsor ( they have a banner above this thread, for me anyway). They are an awesome supplier, and have the best calendar girls on the planet. Order a master install kit, with your gears, and you will have everything you need.
Tools needed will be a dial caliper, dial indicator, inch lb torque wrench ( bar style, not a clicker), ft lb torque wrench, and a gear puller. A press is handy, but you can use a propane torch to heat the bearings. You will also need to buy an additional gear end bearing for the pinion. Sand out the inside of the new bearing with a die grinder so it slips on ( use it for setting pinion depth).