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Old 11-03-2011, 12:13 AM   #22
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Re: Engine paint question

Vernski: Yes, I found myself having to prune the money tree a bit this year. Fortunately, my wife has a green thumb. This was her grandfather's truck. He bought it in '63 so she is fully onboard with the rebuild which makes things a little easier when asking for the checkbook. She is working on cleaning up the valve cover an side covers now. She is going to paint them with a black wrinkle paint.

Your rig looks real nice! The mercruiser cam sounds really cool. I will have to read more about that. How long have you had her? I was conflicted about changing the cam in ours. Wanted to stay close to stock for now though. Original plan was to make a bit of a sleeper. Just got the radiator redone over the weekend. Had the core replaced and an extra row added. Looks real good.
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