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Old 11-03-2011, 04:30 PM   #9
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Re: Clearencing wheel hole width?

well day one i went to hardware store and picked up the first three items in the picture "Rotary file","grinding drum","half round hand file" it took quite a bit of time and alot of labor , nothing really did a great job but i did get one wheel hole ground to the right size using a combination of all the tools i bought and mounted the wheel, i gave up and said "screw this", then today i decided to go back to the hardware store and see what i could find! I bought some thick cut off wheels for my air die cutter but then thought if i stacked them i could get more done so i picked up a arbor for the drill also, it worked much better and alot faster then the other three items !!!!!!!!!!!!

Timmy D.

"What that grinding noise?Don't worry about that it will eventually clearance itself!"

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