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Old 11-03-2011, 08:17 PM   #10
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Posts: 70
Re: First restoration-need wood bed help

I have all the wood and metal strips off and I was right. The bed now just sits on the frame. I will have to lift one side at a time, and tuck the wood under the side angle brackets. In a few spots, the wood is sandwiched between the cross memebers and the angle brackets. the bolts/studs seem to be attached to the angle brackets. I have not beat on them, but they seem to be attached. Maybe not. Does not look like a probem though because of the way I am going to do the wood. I will post photos once I get it done this weekend. THe very fron corner is going to be a problem, since the front 2 bolts are above the gas tank an I cant get to the nuts unless I drop the tank. I will have to cut and punt then.
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