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Old 08-22-2003, 07:20 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Fort Worth Texas
Posts: 275
I took the body side mouldings on a 99 C5 Corvette
using some 20 pound test fly fishing line attached to
2 4''x3/4" dowel rods (peices of a broom stick will work)
Just tie/wrap the line around the sticks & leave about 6"
of line between the sticks. Now work the the line behind
the clip and use a slow sawing motion to cut into the
addsive. you will probley have some addsive left on the
body. To remove this use a finger or thumb and "roll off"
the sticky stuff. Then use you favorite polish or compound
to take off the rest.

Joe the HatGuy <)))))):-)
72 Blazer Highlander
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