Originally Posted by hsdropout
Thanks mknittle (howdy neighbor). Yes it was good practice...fear factor is pretty much gone now. Glad I got it done before temperature drop.
Dan, I used Omni epoxy MP170, catalyst MP175 (2:1), HET urethane reducer med. (as subsitute for acetone).
It was inexpensive and easily available (unlike many products in CA)
I got lucky guessing on how much to mix up per coat..............for reference, I mixed 10 oz. epoxy, 5 oz. catalyst and 4 oz. of the reducer (19 oz. total) and it was just the right amount for 1 coat on outside of cab (minus doors). Sprayed it, cleaned gun, let it set 'bout an hour and then gave it a second coat.
It was actually really easy and fun too. Go for it.
the 'fear factor' will get you every time!It stops us from trying a lot of things.