Re: Th350
ok ... do you play the lotto??
I'd save up and rebuild the th350 before you install it.. if this is your only vehicle..
if not roll the dice..
not knowing what they did to the automatic crossmember that's under the truck(if it's still there) when they installed the 5 spd.. I'd see if you can get a pic of the auto crossover to see if whats under your truck is what you'd need or if you need to find another.. the shifter linkage... someone must have it.. bobs409 is parting out a truck pm him it might have what you need..
as far as the kickdown cable if the engine end is still there it's fine.. they are not all that long... you will need the bracket the cable goes into on the intake of the engine if it was removed when they changed over to a stick..
you didn't say what 5 spd is in the truck but figure on needing the yoke that goes into the trannys tail shaft housing.. and if the tranny lenth are different a new drive shaft..
my guess is you have a t5 out of a mid 80's chevy truck that was behind 305's in 2wd short bed trucks..
speedo cable should work.. but you may have to change the gears for the speedo..
they are color coded.. pull the side piece that the cable screws to and see whats there.. then look up what gear end gears that color is for.. change if need ed..
good luck..
most free th350's are cores... unless you knew the car/truck it came out of and knew it worked well.. I'd rebuild it.. the kits are cheap and there is moch online to get you through it.. it be money well spent...
me I'd keep the 5 speed.. unless your knees are say'n no.. they make aftermarket ones that take more power.. tho if a daily. and see's traffic a stick can be a p.i.t.a.
good luck