Originally Posted by trout
i think you should get the motor trans rearend and brakes right and good and slam it ljust like that.. pinta look
LOL!!! Honestly it probably will! Just due to funds, it's cheaper to slam it than repaint it!
Originally Posted by YoungBurb88
Having a vehicle get passed down through the family is something special, allows a lot of memories to be made... my brother has an old school Ford that was passed down from our grandfather, a `59 I think. But I definitely look forward to seeing your tribute to your father.
I agree 100%! My Family, friends, relitives, friends of friends all know this truck and have a memory of it. So it is definetly special and I hope that my boys will have tons of memories with it as well. This is kind of my way of remembering my father...every time I see this truck I think of him and how he use to sit in the engine bay and work on it....