Originally Posted by purzell
Thank you...did any particular model come with that brake stock in the truck? I'll have more info when I connect with the gentleman again but he called it a "Longhorn" model (which name I have not found used for this age truck) and stated it came with that brake. DMV confirms the truck is (at least registered as) a 1966.
Originally Posted by tincan1966
he may be referring to the park brake configuration that some trucks had on manual trans. It was basically a drum brake setup on the output yoke of the trans where the driveshaft bolted on. Usually see this is C-40 and up series trucks, but who's to say it wasn't swapped in later.
Ok yeah, that make a lot more sense. IIRC, the trans-brake was introduced in the early 70's and is a drag car setup. The brake I was refering to woulda never been installed in a stock car much less a truck. In my mind someone shoulda built that car on an assembly line though

Imagine if we didn't have the 70's-80's performance gap?