Re: At a cross roads with the old truck
i have almost all the parts to do the t5. i've got the trans and the driveshaft, all i need to do it is u joints and the clutch kit.
and yeah i know those camaros are a pain to work on. half of the motor is under the dash and the interiors sucks but i mean...its a 6 speed 383 lol. thats what made me interested.
i think i'll just dump some money into the truck. cause it really is fun to fire it up and have people ask what motor is under the hood and i say a 250 lol. it's throaty lil motor and it's soooo easy to work on. i can do it blindfolded with a 9/16 wrench and a 1/2 wrench lol. i think over my christmas break i'm going to pull the head and do a valve job and put new lifters in. every once in a while one valve will start ticking really loud but if i shut it off and let it sit a minute it's fine. can't complain the motor is bone stock and from what i can tell hasn't ever been apart except me changing gaskets on it lol
Six in a row makes it go