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Old 11-09-2011, 10:07 PM   #101
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Re: 71 garage find stored since 73

Originally Posted by ls1nova71 View Post
Not to be a nay-sayer, but how does this prove anything? You can write whatever you want on the title, how does the DMV verify it?
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they check the milage very closely where i live. if that was the case why could'nt anybody go to the bmv and say that your truck only has 500 miles on it. that is because there is a thing called the paper trail that will follow you. i have the service record that ws done the day before he died and the chevy garage has the mileage at 18 less than what the title shows. he just had it serviced to put away for the winter when it was parked. either way once it is on the title you can not take it away that is the mileage from know on.
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