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Old 11-10-2011, 04:31 AM   #140
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Re: 71 garage find stored since 73

Originally Posted by stich626 View Post
sorry .but that title in hand means nada.. the n.j. records are not complete that far back..
also sorry to break it to ya.. my 71 that was a texas truck.. had 121926 on it.. my new title in my name (2004) says 21926.. now I know my truck isn't a 21k truck but hay if ya look at the title.. well and the old title from the p/o that was the 2nd owner with 5k on it in 72.. no one questioned it at the dmv.. and they left off the 1.. it's on my copy of the texas title.. (in this state you have to hand in the old title so they get the original texas..)
it's a nice truck.. but don't get pissy because. really nothing adds up..
hope your right and no one challanges you to prove that family member had the right to sell it.. sound stupid.. but it really isn't , I know all to well.. but thats another thread..
good luck..
the family member had every right to sell the truck it was his wife and that is why i had to get the power of att from the nj court while i was there. the ohio bmv would not transfer it without the paperwork showing she was in charge of his estate and i allready knew what i needed because i went there and told them what the lady told me and asked what i needed to have so i could get the ohio title and they told me everything i would need so when i got to nj the lady was more than happy to go with me to the courts to get the official paperwork i needed. everything was done with certified court papers otherwise i would not have the title in ohio in my name. i still do not know whayt the big deal is with any of this would people still be acting this way if i posted it as being a underwater find submerged since 73. i have the truck and the proper paperwork and that should be all that matters
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