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Old 11-10-2011, 09:00 AM   #144
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Re: 71 garage find stored since 73

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I think it's healthy conversation to look a little harder and not just accept a seller's claim for face value. It's the old "Buyer Beware" in us at work. Often other perspectives bring about things not seen by the original poster. When I questioned the claim it was before any info was given as to how the truck came about sitting since 1973. With hind sight,anyone can look back with the additional info given since and find fault in comments made before. I don't see anyone hating. I do see another topic spring up within this thread over titling practices and proof of mileage...whatever. The truck is no doubt an original truck that has been parked a long long time,saving it from wear and tear of use all that time yet showing it's age from sitting unmoved. It is a steal of a deal at $2000,there is no doubt about that. All the accessories on the truck are from way back then and people used to swap an aluminum intake,Holley carb,and headers straight away on new vehicles back then. I guess I was wrong about the mirrors and I thought the way the paint on the outside has chipped and scratched that it looked like a repaint with too much hardener,but I guess not. I realize how it could have been damaged stuffed away for 40 years. The grille not being original is something to raise curiosity. That notched v-belt is newer than '73 also,but could have been switched when someone tried to get the truck running.
Since storage has taken it's toll,I think I'd take it down and reassemble. It would be an easy resto with minimal parts needed. It would be tempting to put such a low-mile example back to 100% original. But,I wouldn't have a problem with making it what you wished it was...a big block/auto,bucket seat,tilt,tach truck. Sounds like that would be easy,too.
why is the grille not original? could you explain what is wrong with it because i do not know. once i know i will call the lady and see if or why it was replaced but i did not even know it was not original to the truck.
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