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Old 11-10-2011, 05:55 PM   #1
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Battery relocation

-Mods, I'm putting this in 67-72 section because it's a specific question. If you feel it needs to be moved, feel free to do so.-

OK, after autocrossing my truck at the Charlotte GoodGuys show, I'd like to move as much weight rearward as possible. the only somewhat cheap and easy thing to move is the battery. My question is if anyone has relocated their battery to the rear somewhere. If so, where? How did you mount it? I need to keep it mounted underneath, so does it need to be fully covered or can a battery be left open to the elements?

Also, since this will be on my stepside, I need to make sure this is specific for the stepper crowd. I'm open to all ideas, though, so don't be shy to show what your fleetside has. I just know that the stepside can have a different outcome with certain mods.

68 C10 stepside, LS1/700R4, TCI Engineering suspension system
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