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Old 11-11-2011, 01:25 PM   #3
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Re: would fuel injection solve my cold start problems?

I installed a Holley avenger MPFI on my 350 about 6 months ago. It fires right up and doesn't stall when cold. It does have all the benefits of a modern FI system in terms of drivability. There are some settings that can help control cold start problems as well such as "coolant enrichment" which can increase or decrease fuel delivery during warm up to prevent stalling.

For reference, I have a 700R4, 4.1 rear end, and 32" rear tires. I cruise at 65 mph, ~2050 rpm, and about 15 mpg. The avenger is self tuning, in that it will get the engine up and running well quickly, but fine tuning is still required for optimal performance. I am still trying to fine tun the timing map.
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