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Old 11-11-2011, 06:25 PM   #8
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Re: would fuel injection solve my cold start problems?

Originally Posted by 1968SWBBigBlock View Post
I am not sure that it will solve your issue - I just read a review of one system that is on the market - I wish I could remember which one - but that was really the one issue that they had was cold start up - very suprising to me
I really want to go FI - I think it is worth some HP and really helps the drivability and fuel mileage.
Yes sir, you have valid points on efi vs carbs, but if you don't mind i have a couple things to add.

My little experience with aftermarket efi multiport systems including Holley and Edelbrock's pro-flo systems. EFI systems do not create more peak horsepower per say, but do provide an opportunity to the tuner to build better under the curve torque and power through the tuning maps. I've found this to be true with both stand alone fuel map systems and full fuel/timing control systems.

You are definitely correct on the driveability and fuel consumption aspect so long as a guy's tuning capabilities are up to par. If they are not, as I unfortunately found through hands-on-learning, a poorly tuned efi map will create more issues and worse performance for the user than a poorly tuned carb both in terms of performance and lack of security of knowing where the problem lies.

What little time I have spent tuning on dynos I have found that what produces impressive numbers (thus marketing and selling points) does not cater to driveability needs. More often crank dyno friendly numbers tend to be found through overly lean, under gased, and overly timed parameters compared to real world, on the street, work loaded comparisons that are not catering to controlled atmospheric conditions.

Unless a guy is looking to run their rig upside down, (from my experience) a properly timed engine and well tuned carb can provide as much performance on the street, in terms of driveability and fuel mileage, as an EFI engine management system. However the carb does tend to give up the under-the-curve power capabilities and off camber performance to a properly tuned efi system.

This has been a test of a local shade tree mechanic. This is only a test.
1971 GMC Longbox. Full Roller Stroker 489 w/ FiTech EFI, Chris Straub Cam/NV4500/205/D60/14B w. Grizzly Locker and 4.11's. 2" Lift on 33's
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