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Old 11-12-2011, 06:22 PM   #8
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Location: San Clemente, CA
Posts: 26
Re: need all the advice in can get

ok so i got everything lifted up today to see exactly what i am dealing with the PO swapped in the 9" added the lowering shackles and removed a leaf i only have 3 leafs. If i choose to re locate the axle i am going to need to buy a relocation kit from no limit or one of those dealers which is no big deal. but while i was down at the hobby shop one of the guys who works there walked up and was talking to me about the truck he has air bags, brackets and lines said he would sell all of it to me for $100 my question is can i run a AOL setup fairly easily by picking up the parts i would need? with this would i still need to possibly notch the frame? thank you for the help so far
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