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Old 11-12-2011, 07:54 PM   #13
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Re: 99 Silverado 4.3 stuttering/starting problems.

Originally Posted by truckdude239 View Post
Pull the 2 front sensors out and drive it and see if it make a difference I SAY THIS TO TEST IF THE CONVERTORS ARE STOPED UP
I got that. And not to say it might give you some evidence that the cats may be bad, but there are tests that would show without a doubt that they are bad so why mess with a test that may not give accurate results. Backpressure tests, scan tool data in graphing mode (if you have a high speed, quality scan tool), lab scope back probed into the signal wire of the o2 sensor, or a gas anylizer test, would all give you accurate results when you did the testing. And I understand that not everyone may have access to the needed equipment to do these tests, I was just trying to get across it may not give you a definite result.
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