Originally Posted by J.Cagle
Just bought a 1963 c20 that has been in storage for years. I was told with a battery and some brake work it'd run and drive. I stuck a battery in it and it will turn over just fine. And seems to be getting fuel. I am guessing with it setting so long the points are either stuck or need replaced. Any where I can find a how too on points? I have no clue about points. But I am willing to try to learn. I need to learn anyways, plus I am dying to get this thing going! And help, or other suggestions on things to check would be awesome! Thanks guys! 
You need a dwell meter to see if they are gapped correctly when running, or pop the cap and use a feeler gauge. Points look like a contacter and sometimes they get crusty or the entire surface could be burnt. You use an Allen wrench in the door on the dizzy to adjust. I dont know specs, been awhile. I think my '69 307 was something like 28-32.