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Old 11-14-2011, 02:44 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Sweden
Posts: 3
C10 -68 Side marker lens

Hello guys, my name is Mattias and im from Sweden, im trying to help my brother to get his chevy up and runing. Its been standing in a barn for the last 20 years, but when he hitted 40, 2 years ago, it seemed like he had gotten a blowtorch up he´s ass and rly got a move on with he´s chevy, the cars is totally worked through, and soon to be finished..

So we are just checking for some small parts, the finishing touch, as you may say..

The thing we are looking for is the side marker lens, BUT we want it in white, not a yellow or a red, so is there any one doing those in white, or clear lenses or what you would call it, any aftermarket chops recasting them in a clear plastic...

Hope you guys can help us.. Best Regards Mattias
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