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Old 11-14-2011, 04:29 AM   #10
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Re: Grant wood wheel?

Originally Posted by 1972RedNeck View Post
What was wrong with the handling with the grant wheel?
Ever see Moe Howard in the "3 Stooges" when the steering wheel comes off in his hand. Great comedy. Not funny in real life. Also it would cock at different angles -- sometimes the "top" would settle at 2 O'clock, sometimes at 11 O'clock. It was never boring, I'll give it that. The pot metal hub sometimes would work loose -- about every 60 days. My pinky would catch the turn signal lever. Horn would go off -- usually at the least appropriate times.
But as to handling... it's kinda hard to put it -- but the "feel" was wrong. I've been driving my '68 Stepside since 1973. I was well used to it. It has a 16.5" stock wheel. Truck was all manual. The GMC had the 12" Grant when I got it in 1995. I had to pay more attention to steering with the woodie wheel. When I put the stock [17"]OEM wheel on, I could pull the wheel around without thinking. The truck went where I "felt" I was pointing it. Also the 17" had a lot more leverage, especially when the P/S was out, like a deadstick -power out condition. And it hasn't come loose since.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.

Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 11-14-2011 at 04:37 AM.
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