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Old 11-14-2011, 04:53 PM   #5
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Re: Correct color for a 292 6 cylinder??

if i recall correctly, the 292s were painted a kind of blue/green color. look at a detroit diesel engine. thats about the shade these were painted. that blue you have, to me, looks like a sky blue. i know i might catch some flak for this, but i cannot stand the chevy engine orange color. it was cool for a few minutes, then everyone and his brother decided to go overboard with it, and now you see it ( in my area atleast) on every god forsaken f**d. granted, these vehicles are nicely restored, and possibly bowtie powered, but the color just seems to ruin the overall look of the earlier models (20's ect)

sorry, didnt mean to go off on a rant there. but yeah, the colors most commonly encountered are the orange, and the blue/greens, i think its called alpine something or other, lol. if youre looking to get it close to stock, detroit diesel green would be the cheapest, most readily available and closest looking to stock youre likly to find.

if that engine is an actual 1970's engine, then odds are it would have been orange. that blue and that hei + the orange head have me thinkin that they painted it with whatever thay had, burnt the head, and replaced it without painting it.

im prolly gonna end up painting my engine flat black. cause the heat transfer characteristics of the color itself, and the rocker cover with flat black and the chevrolet script lettering done in a nice candy apple red or something similar would look pretty sharp. just my $.02

keep forgetting, lol... my engine thats in there now came from a 65 i think, and its the alpine/detroit deiesel color. the previous engine i swapped out was orange.
'69 c10 longbed granny 4spd 292 "Behemoth"
'67 c10 longbed granny 4spd 292 "Burzum"
some pictures of my work in progress

R.I.P. Corey "Flattus Maximus" Smoot 11/3/11
You will be missed. Your sound lives on.

Last edited by NobleSix; 11-14-2011 at 04:58 PM.
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