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Old 11-14-2011, 10:25 PM   #1
chris mc bride
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how much invested or figure will be

Doing some number chrunching on repairs for my panel. Getting it free(well inherited it,far from free) Having almost new motor new bumpers,new grille and ****ty paint job doesn't hurt except the paint. I sitll figure Ill spend 12 to 14 g's when finished. but then I have lots of stuff I want do starting with frame off restoration and lots custom touches.
I'm wondering how many other are as nuts as me. After all 20 plus grand in 42 yo truck is far from sain.Then again it will be bada$$ and paid for and not like any your likely to see on road,at least not at same time.
So if not worried about IRS,your wife or future buyer seeing it let us know what you plan to spend or have spent on your panel or burb
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