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Old 11-15-2011, 02:06 AM   #5
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Re: 69GMCLWB 396 A/C Question

I don't have any closeups of the valve itself. The truck is now in pieces. I could take one in a couple days (the truck is 150 miles from me). However, my valve was replaced about 35 years ago. As I recall, the replacement valve had a slightly different appearance from the original even though it was a GM part installed by a Chevy dealer. For my restoration I bought a new one from Classic Industries. It is somewhat different from my current valve, but it looks like the pictures in most of the parts catalogs. I bought it 3 months ago for $29.99. They now list it at $60.99! I'll attach a link, but shop around. For example, LMC has an illustration of a valve that looks the same for $26.95. Their part number is 32-0653.

Link to Classic Industries part:

Link to LMC's part:

One other thing. If you look at the picture I posted, you can see the vacuum line pass along then under the 3/4" heater hose from the water pump. it attaches to the side of the top of the valve which is partially hidden by the 3/4" hose. The main difference between my valve and the new ones is that the vacuum line enters fron the side of the valve body vs. entering from the end.

Last edited by FirstOwner69; 11-15-2011 at 02:17 AM.
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