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Old 11-15-2011, 09:07 AM   #6
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Sweden
Posts: 3
Re: C10 -68 Side marker lens

Thank you for the warm welcome...

I just said to my wife last night, that we are living in the damn wrong country, we should have been living in the stats, when i comes to buying cars and part the range of cars and other cool stuff are much better then here in Sweden. I browsed through the cars fore sale, and found some interesting objects, but it quite an ordeal to get a car over here with taxes and stuff...

But i just got married and purchased a house for me and my wife, and a Audi A6 avant 2006, needed to sell 1 of my bike´s to afford a newer car... =( but is a nice looking car...

HaHaHaHa Ill poke and nag on him, maybe even drink him under the tabble and get his truck when he is sleeping...

Ill post some foto´s when its done.... but if i know my brother, it would take a while...
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