Thread: will this work?
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Old 11-15-2011, 11:40 PM   #1
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will this work?

search is getting me nowhere, just need a little advice.

so theres a good deal here (which never happens on this island)

set of like new 40's tsl on rims for $400

ok, I bite at the ad, the real deal, but need to hurry

I run 35s now on what seems to be a 4inch lift, springs and blocks.

so im thinkin i need around 8inches, but...

will the lift require new driveshafts? the po put in new driveshafts last year, they look stock length but what do i know.

I was planning on 40's down the road, but this will save me some coin if I buy now and would like to run these tires by next summer.

If I thought I could get away with just a body lift I might go that route, but it doesn't seem like it would fit.

what do you think?

d44/d60, 4.10, 383, built tranny, stock steering/brakes and I think 4 in lift
89 GMC V3500

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