Originally Posted by DangerBoy
Now after 4 years of being parked I can finally drive my 68 again but my brake lights don't work! I've replaced the fuse and the switch and all the bulbs are still good. I'm stumped! Anyone have any ideas?
You mention that the brake lights don't work. I'm assuming the parking lights work. If that's the case then the following should help.
Quick check is to look under the dash where the brake pedal is and there should be the brake switch that could be defective or out of adjustment.
If that looks good, you can follow the cable under the cab and bed to make sure all wires are good.
Then as mentioned above install ground straps. I bought 4 at auto parts.
I placed one under the bed to the frame.
Under the cab to the frame.
Behind the engine block to the cab (should be one from factory)
From radiator support to the neg battery terminal for good measure.