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Old 11-16-2011, 01:16 AM   #5
60-66 Nut

Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
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Re: Cardone Brake Booster question

Jocko is correct. There is no need for a 'cantilever' or bellcrank assembly of any sort with my bracket. It is designed for a direct push from the brake pedal arm. Tomfg, since the booster/master assebly you have is for a '67-'72, it is designed for the '67-'72 assembly which does use a bellcrank in the connection to the brake pedal arm. To use this on your truck, the eye will need to be cut off, and either welded to your original master cylinder pushrod, or threaded and coupled with a coupling nut. You can also use an aftermarket pushrod if you choose. The original master cylinder pushrods already have an adjustment provision, so there is no need for another one. When welding to the booster pushrod, just be careful as to not get the pushrod too hot.
Power Steering Box Adapter Plates For Sale HERE
Power Brake Booster Adapter Brackets For Sale '63-'66 HERE and '67-'72 HERE and '60-'62 HERE and "60-'62 with clutch HERE
Rear Disc Brake Brackets For Sale. Impala SS calipers HERE Camaro Calipers HERE D52 Calipers HERE 6 Lug HERE
Hydroboost Mounting Plates HERE
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