Thread: Wipers
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Old 11-17-2011, 12:53 PM   #6
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Location: Hermosillo, Sonora
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Re: Wipers

Something like that was happening to me. It was driving me nuts. Sometimes out of the blue they would start "wiping" lol. I thought it was the switch that broke, but I took the steering column apart to see it and nothing. And it was so random when it happened that I couldn't link it to anything else, until one time that I was driving in the rain. I had the switch to on, and they were working, then it stopped raining and I turned them off. They turned off at first, but then they started up again and the switch was still in the off position. I drove like that because I couldn't pull over and unplug the little wiper motor under the hood (which is what I had started to do) since I was in a busy road, but when I pulled up to a stop light they stopped. Turns out that the wires under the steering column got caught where the clutch rests/stops so it started to pinch them. there was a small cut on them and were making contact which caused them to turn on. When I stepped on the clutch the wires were released and stopped making contact so they stopped. I fixed that now and got some zip ties and tucked them out of the way.
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