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Old 11-17-2011, 11:36 PM   #4
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Re: first time roof chop?

well I'm just another non expert. but i have been a welder/ fabricator for over 15 years. I replaced the entire roof on my burb last year. it was somewhat of a pain. I learned that no amount of expierience in general fab equals what guys that specialize in chopping up cars have. its a different thing. I most certainly would not chop my cab. I would chop a cab. Then when you got it dialed. Its just a cab swap. I would personally start with two spare cabs. Due to the increase in roof length. The windshield of a square body lays at almost 45deg. this combined with the flat roof and a vertical drop . make a near perfect, equal leg right triangle. So each inch down would be an inch gained in roof length. 3 in. down. therefore 3in. forward. this is why i would use two cabs.the front roof of one and the rear roof of another. letting the two overlap in the center, with some trim. then scribe the cut line. the other option is to lay the windshield back. I think that looks terrible.
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