Originally Posted by special-K
As far as I know there are no doors for these trucks made in Japan. I always figured,knowing what I know about the upper window frame,if I used reproduction doors I'd just remove the frame and use an OEM frame like has been suggested by D. Passmore. It's not hard to find OEM doors with good frames,like on the doors you replaced. Most are still good. Yeah,it's work,but it beats rebuilding bottoms of doors where rust is likely to try a comeback. Welded metal is vulnerable to rust. There was a time when restoration meant fixing what you have,not bolting on new parts. These parts should be better. But,I think people are also expecting restoration to be too easy.
I agree in theory but U won't find 2 many people that give 275 + for a NEW door that want to hear "we have to cut the window frame off your old one"--but that is exactly what I did on last set--which by the way were made with imported steel-door made supposedly in USA.......jim