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Old 11-20-2011, 01:46 PM   #5
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Re: In dash modern stereo systems? Pics?

I've got the stock am radio and plan to keep it where it is - simply because I really like the fact that it's original. But I likes my tunes too - haven't done it yet, but when I do upgrade, i will be leaving the am radio in place and installing a remote AM/FM/with MP3 input. I believe even a CD player is obsolete at this point, actually heard almost all music companies except Time/Warner are going to digital format only and stopping production of CDs. And I thouhgt my 8 tracks were still "cool"... oh well.

It's always difficult to want to do something once yet have the latest thing installed - so we tend to try to outdo it and make a big technology leap so it will seem new for some time to come. I think. Anyway, that's my plan. When I do upgrade, I'll keep the am rad intact, install an out of sight modern player with digital input of some sort to run an ipod or whatever the hot thing is at THAT time, and call it a day. No CD changer for me since they take up a good chunk of space in a small truck cab. I'd also probably go for under the seat with removeable access.

Alternative plan B, that is rapidly becoming plan A, is to send my radio to one of the many companies out there that can upgrade your old original stereo to use digital inputs and sound pretty good too. I'm not looking for window-shattering base, just something I can hear.

Now, I do realize NONE of that addresses the in-dash GPS issue - so it sounds to me that you are looking at a "modern" looking dash which none of my plans run together with because most of them are geared toward keeping everything stock "looking". BUT, I've often thought about the GPS thing too, it's a very nice to have. And my 2 cents is this - the technology advances so quickly these days that I'd be very hesitant to install a custom in-dash unit built around ANY GPS of today. The one I have in my daily driver 01 Silverado is great, but it's only a few years old and I am already accepting that it may be obsolete in a few years due to s/w upgrades or continuous map upgrades, etc. The challenge, to me, is to have your GPS (cake) and eat it too. So, I lean a little more toward the stealth approach again - my approach, if I ever get off my butt and finish all my other half-done projects is an under dash unit that folds out of the way when not in use. Looking LOWWW not ideal for driving safety, but my Silverado's GPS is mid-low dash and it's not that bad. Regardless of location, one shouldn't "stare" at it, so that's my theory anyway. I believe a mount could be rigged up not unlike the powered fold out units that folks use to hide their modern a/c vents in old cabs. I have yet to see this done, although I have seen some very nice in-dash installs - just not my personal cup of tea, that's all.

The other approach I considered was trying to find a mini-GPS that might fit behind the ash tray such that opening the door pulled it out and rotated it upright... But that's pretty small. What about disguising it behind an A/C truck ash tray below the dash (expensive if you can find it) so that once it opens it reveals the gps... Hmmm everyone would wonder why you have 2 ash trays!

Only advice I would have for the in-dash route is to make sure you plan it in a way that you can change to another gps in the future if you HAVE to. Would hate to be stuck with an in-dash unit that craps itself unrecoverably and is no longer available to buy, leaving you with a mere dahs ornament that would have been nice if it worked.

Can't wait to see how you skin the cat here, no wrong answers of course, and this was a great question to ask, so thanks!
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