Just looking for someone to tell me if im crazy before i call my race engine shop for machine work and parts tomorrow and sound like i lost my mind.

Im looking to build an honest 400-450 hp 355...or 357, depends on if the guy doing my machine work says my bores are good to go. I will be doing all the assembly work on her myself and already have it down to a bare block to save some buck there.
Looking on going with the weiand 177 blower on top of my 355 to help get me there. Blower kit i priced out at $2359 through summit but my builder is going to see what he can get it for. Carb to top off the blower is $580, its the 750cfm holley blower carb. I priced out a dished forged piston and ring kit at a 26cc dish for $720. I was checking out this cam and lifters for $225
Set of larger tube headers $160. Then i fig rod and main bearing around $40. Pricing everything through summit i had a cost of $4130. My builder said he would see what he can get me parts for if its any cheaper. Heads i have that are paid for are the 492 casting double humps. 64cc chambers and 26cc dish should plot me somewhere between 8:1-8.5:1 comp ratio right?
Final question do you think i can hit my hp mark with this setup and do you think im crazy for trying to do this motor for a budget with a max cap of $5500?